Those of you who have been following along for a while will know that I have a weakness for french toast. I’ve shared 9 french toast recipes so far, and I’ve even created a recipe collection for them! (You can check it out here -> New Ways With French Toast). I expect to run out of ideas soon. A french toast drought. But until then, I’ll keep sharing new takes on french toast that I come up with. No matter how wacky they may seem, as long as they’re scrumptious! And these little babies certainly fit that bill. They taste like mini cinnamon doughnuts! With about 80% less calories – win, win, win!!

These French Toast Bites are really just a variation on my Cinnamon French Toast Sticks. The only difference is that the bread is cut into cubes and they are way more fun to cook. “More fun to cook?”, I hear you ask. Yes, they really are! Because they are in the shape of cubes, browning each side by turning them is a real pain. So instead, I “sauté” them with a wooden spoon, as though I’m making a stir fry. It works perfectly! Food you can eat with your hands. My favourite kind…. OK, here we go, here are my Baby Hands on show for you to have a giggle at. Gives you some perspective of the size of these French Toast Bites. But remember, my hands are abnormally small so the French Toast Bites look larger than they actually are!! – Nagi

Cute spins on French Toast

Cinnamon French Toast Sticks Strawberry Nutella French Toast Roll Ups Bacon French Toast Roll Ups Monte Cristo (Ham Cheese French Toast Sandwich) And also – Classic French Toast!

Have you see all the other FRENCH TOAST recipes I have? I’ve even made up an entire Recipe Collection for them!


Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 85Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 78Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 93Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 70Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 25Cinnamon French Toast Bites - 10